Release Notes
Version 1.2.4 (8 October 2024)
Updated the Topographic Correction tool to handle large surveys and DEM's.
Fixed a bug in Create Clusters that crashed the program when there was a mis-match between the vector and amplitude NASVD files.
Increases the lower channel limit for Compton removal.
Fixed a bug in Sum256Channels - tool aborting when number of channels not 256.
Updated several tools that were not checking the integrity of the base and gain fields prior to running.
Version 1.2.3 (12 July 2024)
Fixed a fatal error on opening Geosoft databases on some systems due to missing dll's.
Fixed an bug with GammaSpec crashing when upward-looking detector spectra not present in database.
Updated the "Aircraft and Cosmic" and "Radon Stripping (Over Water)" Geosoft databases in the demonstration data to include upward-looking spectra.
Tightened checks on cosmic and aircraft spectra being read from text file.
Version 1.2.2 (8 July 2024)
Calibration of portable spectrometers and detection of cesium anomalies now included in the Free Version.
Added a new tool (Utilities|Save Nasvd-Smoothed Spectra) to save NASVD-smoothed spectra to a new database field.
Added a new tool (Utilities|Window Spectra) to sample custom windows and save the window data to a new database field.
The chart Tool Tips (the information displayed when you hover the mouse over a data point) now includes the channel energy (if spectra have been energy calibrated).
Updated the pseudo-color imaging of grid data to incorporate a hill shade.
Fixed various bugs in some of the tools related to entering alias/parameter values directly into textBoxes using the keyboard.
Fixed minor formatting issues in some of the tool log files.
Updated GammaSpec Help to reflect the addition of the new tools.